What the heck is Action Research?

In preparation for our Action Research Symposium this Friday, May 9, 2014 from 9:00am-7:00pm, I asked some of our SOLES Ambassadors who either have or will conduct action research to write a little bit about what it is.  Many of Continue reading

Calling “In”: A matter of getting my ego out of the way

(A blog post by SOLES Ambassador and PhD student, Nick, which was originally posted on his blog “Lets be Franc“) On Thursday night, I guest lectured in the History and Philosophy of Higher Education course about chapters 7 through 9 Continue reading

Ace-ing the Interview!

Admissions interviews can be really tough for many of us. It is an opportunity for you to present yourself to the university faculty. In other words, you need to know how to market yourself. Last Friday, I was fortunate enough Continue reading

Permission Slips

I was on the brink and I think everyone could tell. I silently wished myself away into Zachary’s office to talk to him but he was missing. I needed to plan out my class I was set to teach in two Continue reading

Being YOU on purpose

Have you had a moment recently where you stop, for just a moment in your busy life, to acknowledge how AMAZING you truly are? If you can’t remember the last time you stopped to appreciate your life or your accomplishments, Continue reading

Journey to Daraja Academy

January 7-21, I had the opportunity to travel to Kenya for a school counseling SOLES global trip.  During my program interview in the spring of 2012, I first heard Kenya was a possible destination, and I was determined to go.  Continue reading

In the counseling "flow"

As the 2014 school year begins, I am so excited for the opportunities ahead.  Not only will I be starting practicum this year (so scary AND exciting!), but I will also be traveling abroad to Bali with the Risk and Continue reading

New Year, "New" Me

People always say, “new year, new you” but I don’t think it’s about becoming a “new me” verses making improvements and setting exciting goals.  The number one news year’s resolution always seems to be, I want to lose weight and Continue reading

Graduate School and Christmas Music

At least once a week I find myself saying the phrase, “A PhD is, first and foremost, a research degree.” In my role and simply as an advocate for my program I often get asked about my experience in the Continue reading


Over the weekend I had the opportunity to attend my first “open house” as a SOLES Ambassador, which was very rewarding.  While I had attended these events previously, my role was significantly more removed.  I felt a sense of pride Continue reading