Being YOU on purpose

Screen Shot 2014-03-24 at 12.35.58 PMHave you had a moment recently where you stop, for just a moment in your busy life, to acknowledge how AMAZING you truly are? If you can’t remember the last time you stopped to appreciate your life or your accomplishments, I challenge you to take the time to do so today. Most of us are often too busy worrying about the future to truly be thankful for the present. How often do we actually take a moment to pat ourselves on the back and give ourselves a few kind words? Not often enough! I started thinking about this a lot during the positive psychology course that I took in January, especially reflecting on what I wanted this new year to look like for me. As the course continued I quickly began to realize that I had been so focused on the outcome in all the things I was doing, that I was barley enjoying the process. This insight, paired with the content of what I was learning about positive psychology, inspired me to become more in touch with my experiences. I began journaling, building on my relationships, and got back into my yoga. Overall, I became more present in my life and in my experience, and I hope to inspire you!
One particular afternoon I was being very hard on myself, feeling quite negative and stressing myself out on one of those “I am not good enough” moments- when I had a powerful revelation. I was sitting in my room at my desk when I turned around to face my wall and finally understood the words of my wise friend (Bob Dylan) that have been hanging right there above my bed, “All I can do is be me, whoever that is.” So simple, yet such a challenging phrase to encompass.
Screen Shot 2014-03-24 at 12.36.26 PMWe are our own worst critique… but what if you decided to be your own biggest fan instead? We are so quick to judge ourselves on what we are doing wrong that we rarely acknowledge what we are doing right. Consider this: there is no right or wrong, there is just you.
The world would be a better place if we learned to be kind to ourselves. We have the power to choose to be a fan, rather than a critique of our own being. We have the power to choose to live our life with loving kindness and gratitude, and it starts by loving and accepting ourselves just the way we are, without judgment. To be kind to ourselves, and not just those around us is the biggest challenge of all. This means focusing on the 90% that is going well for you, rather than the 10% that is not, as I learned we tend to do as human beings.
We can enhance the appreciation that we have for our lives by taking the time to count our blessings, express gratitude, and live in the present moment. We can learn to accept ourselves for who we are, instead of spending time trying to change who we are, by becoming aware of our greatness. We can heighten our optimism by indulging in activities that make us feel good.
Love and be loved, but most importantly: love yourself.
So what I want this year to look like for me? I decided that I do not want to base the success of this year on the lines that will be added onto my resume. I want to look back on New Years 2015 and notice that I was able to live 2014 with love and kindness, accepting without judgment, and that I saved moments for me. I will spend time with my loved ones, I will keep my mind, body and spirit healthy through yoga and running, and I will always remember to laugh.
I found my to-do list, what’s yours?
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0 thoughts on “Being YOU on purpose

  1. First of all, I’m shocked that I’m adding the first comment here. What you have shared truly has the potential to be life changing! You emphasize the importance of living in the present and focusing more on what’s working for you and good in your life, vs. your failures. We do have the tendency to focus on our failures and beat ourselves up. Yet, very few of us spend adequate time loving ourselves. You have articulated this so well. It wasn’t until I personally had 3 heart attacks that I came to the truth you’ve mentioned above. It has changed my life. I pray that others don’t have to experience a personal tragedy to realize how precious we are. Thank you for sharing!

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