My Advice for Incoming SOLES Students

I graduated in May from USD with my M.A. in Counseling, with a School Specialization. I am currently living at home in Orange County, working as the director of a summer program, but will be moving back to San Diego Continue reading

Mondragon and Cooperatives

I recently returned from Spain to learn about the Mondragon Corporation. One fun experience was how Basque people practice cooperativism even in their socializing–a pub crawl. Each person puts in 5 euros to an appointed money manager, and the party Continue reading

Multicultural Counseling in Jamaica-Home is where the Heart dwells

It has been extremely difficult for me to begin to write about my experience in Jamaica. Namely because it was a tremendously rich experience filled with wonder, introspection, and questions.  Even as I sit here prepared to divulge all that Continue reading

Famous last words: Farewell to the Class of 2013

I did not graduate this past weekend; but I still felt very something about the timestamp.  Likely because it was with this class that I began my own program. Two years ago I graduated from my own Masters program, fretted over Continue reading

End of Year One and the Start of Summer

I am amazed at how quickly the first year flies by.  A lot has changed since the first day of school: I’ve changed my research interests (and methodologies) at least twice, I’ve made some great friends, I’ve found a mentor, Continue reading

Thoughts on Graduating

The reality of graduation has not sunk in, even though it’s only a few short weeks away. As I rush to the finish line of completing final assignments, evaluations, and wrapping up loose ends, I still cannot comprehend that this Continue reading

MFTs In Instanbul

If one had but a single glance to give the world, one should gaze on Constantinople. -Alphonse de Lamartine, 19th-century French writer and politician  The above quote is one that I frequently stumbled upon during preparation for my trip to Continue reading

3 Benefits of Attending USD

There are many reasons why I love USD! However, the following three reasons are why I selected USD over other graduate school programs.   Class size: I went to Arizona State University for undergrad. It was an amazing experience but Continue reading