Living in the NOW

Spring Semester, 2013 – my last semester of graduate school.  For the next 3 months, it’s going to be a balancing act of completing my action research project, my work obligations, and my studies.   The energy of the campus is Continue reading

Changemakers welcomed at USD

I love meeting new SOLES students. They leave me inspired and reinvigorated to pursue my life’s purpose. This is because my experience has been that the typical SOLES student is driven to change the world through education and social innovation. Continue reading

MFTs in Ireland

I feel blessed that I was able to travel abroad with my cohort for an international learning experience. During Spring Break of 2012, 20 of my classmates, and 2 professors went to Ireland for 10 days. Over the 10 days, Continue reading

Struggle for Educational Equity Along the Underground Railroad

Just one day after the national day of service honoring the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., SOLES Ambassador Annie reflects on her course which took students along a route on the Underground Railroad.  EDUC 597: The Continue reading

Beginning the year at the end of the world

Here at SOLES, it is a requirement of all academic degree programs that you complete a global study course. From December 31-January 10, 2013 I was completing mine in a course designed to study School Change and Education Reform.  I Continue reading

Finding Balance

I think there is a song with the lyrics, “Have you ever loved somebody too much?” and I feel like that I have been living some version of this truth in regards to my role as an undergraduate instructor in Continue reading

SOLES Students Fight for Air

Not every weekend has to be spent with your nose in a book pondering the ideal research methods to address that dissertation question. Sometimes it’s important to rejuvenate, take a long walk with good friends, and give back to a Continue reading

What does it mean to be well educated?

What does it mean to be well educated?: A response to Alfie Kohn  What does it mean to be well educated? My first experience with Alfie Kohn’s simple yet complex question was last spring when he came as a guest Continue reading

Wrapping up Fall semester…

Wow, it’s already December, where has this semester gone?  It’s exciting that it is close to winter vacation, but that also means finals, papers, and presentations are due.  Time management has been key; I think I have finally learned how Continue reading