Message from the Dean Márquez to Kroc School Students

Dear Students,

What a week!  It is a relief that our Kroc family is well. But our hearts go out to everyone who is caring for or are worried about loved ones.

On other fronts, this was our first week of 100% remote learning.

There are stories of minor technical glitches, lessons learned, but mostly wonderful examples of great solidarity and creativity. Everyone seems to be getting into the new rhythm.  Professor Necla Tschirgi was so excited about on-line teaching she sent a picture of her screen showing her new Zoom classroom with students participating from around the world. Professors Juan Roche and Ev Meade developed a series of background personalized images. Professor Roche’s background reflects his love of the Avila Mountain in Caracas and Professor Meade made us laugh with different hats to accompany the pictures. Professor Dustin Sharp has become the master of how to do group work in class. Professor Michael Fryer has discovered the world of the selfie-videos, recording tactics for building resilience while walking (socially distanced) in the mountains of Julian. Professors Ami Carpenter and Phil Gamaghelyan are envisioning new formats for negotiation simulations, while Professor Paula Cordeiro conveys that remote teaching “is a piece of cake” since she has done it for years through her work with schools all over the world.

I am jealous of their electronic prowess. I still struggle to figure out how to get everything working properly.  But I am making progress and have launched myself into the challenge with a new on-line camera and iPad.

Maybe this is the type of connectivity all of you are very used to. For some, like me, maybe this is something of a struggle. But all of us at Kroc want to thank you  – our students – for the inspiration, support and understanding you have provided to your fellow students, your professors, and the Academic team. Because of your resilience and generosity, this first week of remote learning feels like success. At a time of challenge those small wins are more necessary than ever. Of course, there will be more difficulties ahead, but I feel confident because I know we will face them together as a USD-Kroc community. I know I speak for everyone when I say you make us all very proud.

Rest assured the entire Kroc School is determined to continue to provide high-quality learning and mentoring. I don’t say this lightly. I have a great awareness each of you face a unique and often times daunting situation.  You each should know the Academic Programs team and faculty will continue to be there for you as part of the USD-Kroc community. We are working hard to  support you within this new context.

Please stay healthy and safe.

Warmest regards,

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