MFTs In Instanbul

If one had but a single glance to give the world, one should gaze on Constantinople. -Alphonse de Lamartine, 19th-century French writer and politician  The above quote is one that I frequently stumbled upon during preparation for my trip to Continue reading

Ladder of Influence

I am a second semester graduate student from the leadership program at SOLES. These two past semesters have been like a daring, fun roller costar ride.  The reason that I say that is because of the new “language” that SOLES Continue reading

A Change of Perspective

It’s only April but I am beginning to think about graduation and what my life will be like after leaving the beautiful USD campus. About a month ago I started thinking a lot about finding a job after graduation and Continue reading

CMHC—first year

When contemplating what to write about for my first blog, I really struggled.  I haven’t done any trips abroad yet, and I have only completed one semester in the Clinical Mental Health Counseling program.  I feel like I’m just now Continue reading

Making adjustments and getting settled

I can’t believe it’s already March, which means I’m halfway through my second semester at USD. I feel comfortable, confident, and ready to rock out whatever the rest of my program throws my way But I definitely didn’t always feel Continue reading

How to become a Doctor (allegedly)

Here at SOLES we are getting ready to host very eager and excited prospective PhD students, and being a 2nd year PhD student myself I thought it would be fun to offer some “advice” to the prospective students. It would Continue reading