Straight from SOLES Global

Bonjour, As you know, one of requirements for all SOLES graduate programs is that we all have an international academic experience. My name is Corinne, I am from France, and I work at the SOLES Global Center, located next to Bert’s Continue reading

Journey to Daraja Academy

January 7-21, I had the opportunity to travel to Kenya for a school counseling SOLES global trip.  During my program interview in the spring of 2012, I first heard Kenya was a possible destination, and I was determined to go.  Continue reading

MFTs In Instanbul

If one had but a single glance to give the world, one should gaze on Constantinople. -Alphonse de Lamartine, 19th-century French writer and politician  The above quote is one that I frequently stumbled upon during preparation for my trip to Continue reading

Finishing Strong

“Finish Strong!” This is what I keep telling myself over and over again. I need to finish strong, and keep looking forward to accomplishing this amazing opportunity of graduating with my Master’s degree by next July (although I get to Continue reading