The Dreaded "Comps" for MFTs

I remember last February, hearing all of the “second years” talking about “Comps” which is the Comprehensive Exam that USD MFT students take in their second year as the capstone event before graduation. I remember listening to them talk about Continue reading

Finding People You Can Work With

As a first year doctoral student, I’m trying to figure out what I need to know to survive.  What technologies to use, what books to read, what forms to fill out, etc. etc. But most importantly, WHO do I need Continue reading

Living in the NOW

Spring Semester, 2013 – my last semester of graduate school.  For the next 3 months, it’s going to be a balancing act of completing my action research project, my work obligations, and my studies.   The energy of the campus is Continue reading

Changemakers welcomed at USD

I love meeting new SOLES students. They leave me inspired and reinvigorated to pursue my life’s purpose. This is because my experience has been that the typical SOLES student is driven to change the world through education and social innovation. Continue reading

How to become a Doctor (allegedly)

Here at SOLES we are getting ready to host very eager and excited prospective PhD students, and being a 2nd year PhD student myself I thought it would be fun to offer some “advice” to the prospective students. It would Continue reading

The Great Equalizer

Education is often referred to as the great equalizer. While it is the mechanism that ideally create an equal playing field for all students in the United States, it is also connects students in America to students all over the Continue reading

The great thing about SoCal

One great thing about living in Southern California is the ease of access to a wide variety of landscapes.  Ocean, deserts, rolling hills, coastal plains, mountains, and valleys all lay within close proximity.  Where else can you go surfing in Continue reading

Intersession: Whatever you want it to be

The time between the Fall and Spring semesters at USD is known as Intersession. In the month of January SOLES students have a few options about how to spend their time.  Leadership Studies students might elect to take a class. Continue reading

Finding Balance

I think there is a song with the lyrics, “Have you ever loved somebody too much?” and I feel like that I have been living some version of this truth in regards to my role as an undergraduate instructor in Continue reading