Embracing Feedback

Giving and receiving feedback isn’t always the easiest thing to do. For some, its the hardest thing to do.  Last week in class we were discussing the purpose of critical friends. In our program, critical friends are colleagues that provide Continue reading


A friend of mine who is nearing the end of this long treacherous road and I were talking about how to make the conversations about our dissertations, or rather that accessibility  available on paper. In other words, how do I make what I say Continue reading

Making adjustments and getting settled

I can’t believe it’s already March, which means I’m halfway through my second semester at USD. I feel comfortable, confident, and ready to rock out whatever the rest of my program throws my way But I definitely didn’t always feel Continue reading

Finding People You Can Work With

As a first year doctoral student, I’m trying to figure out what I need to know to survive.  What technologies to use, what books to read, what forms to fill out, etc. etc. But most importantly, WHO do I need Continue reading