Open House Event: Connecting with the SOLES community

A blog post from SOLES Ambassador and MA in Counseling with specialization in Clinical Mental Health Counseling Adriana Del Vecchio:
As I begin my final year of graduate school, I am struck by the sense of nostalgia I am experiencing. It is reminiscent of my final time spent at my undergraduate university, yet distinctly different. I have spent some time reflecting on my tenure here at USD, and remember the eagerness with which I approached the research and application process for graduate school. I often see the same dedication and excitement mirrored in the students I interact with at the SOLES Open House events. I am constantly and consistently impressed with the caliber of students who walk through the doors of Mother Rosalie Hill Hall. I find myself bonding instantaneously, recognizing their passion for helping others, education, and leadership. Even with this relatively short interaction, I often become invested in prospective students, hoping to see them at the interview process and imagining running into them in the halls at the beginning of the next academic year. Attending the SOLES Open House fulfills my desire to give back to the school that has given me so much in my graduate career, while simultaneously reaffirming my decision to become part of the SOLES community.
I encourage all of you who are interested in pursuing your master’s or doctoral degree at the University of San Diego to attend the SOLES Open House. This event gives prospective students the opportunity to rub elbows with faculty, current students, and potential peers and colleagues. It enables prospective students to gain a sense for the campus, our community, and glean an understanding of the SOLES’ mission and intention as educators, leaders, and mental health professionals. Hearing Dean Cordeiro’s opening speech gives you sense of the community we strive to build and maintain here at SOLES. Additionally, you have the chance to ask professors important questions regarding program requirements, expectations, and teaching methodology. You also have rare access to current students and can ask them those burning questions like, “Where is the best place to live?” “How do you balance graduate school and having a part time job?” and most importantly, “What’s the best taco joint in SD?” Not to mention you get to experience the breathtaking views that SOLES has to offer and some pretty phenomenal food! Just one of the many perks of becoming a part of SOLES. But in all seriousness, the Open House is an opportunity to expand your knowledge, and experience the culture of SOLES. It’s a great experience to help make that major decision in your life- attending graduate school!
SOLES Fall Open House 2014 is on Saturday, Oct. 11th from 9:30am-1pm. To register, go to:

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