Prototyping: Internships & Fellowships 11/13/23

ORGANIZATION Position Deadline More Info Herbert Scoville Jr. Peace Fellowships Fall 2024 Fellowship  January 8, 2024 Fellows receive a salary of $3,885 per month and basic health insurance compensation, plus travel expenses to Washington, DC. The program also provides $1,000 Continue reading

Prototyping: Internships & Fellowships 11/6/23

ORGANIZATION Position Deadline More Info County of San Diego Board of Supervisor Terra Lawson-Remer Constituent Services Fellow Continuous $15 – $19 / hour Atlantic Fellows for Social and Economic Equity Non-Residential Fellow January 11, 2024 mid-career social-change leaders from across Continue reading

Prototyping: Internships & Fellowships 10/30/23

ORGANIZATION Position Deadline More Info Institute for Justice David Kennedy Fellowship for Law Students January 26, 2024 10 weeks (May – August) $8,000; Arlington, VA (Headquarters), Austin, TX, Seattle, W,  Miami, FL  Tempe, AZ Atlantic Fellows Social and Economic Equality Continue reading