Extracurricular Activities: Week of February 20, 2023

Planning ahead . . .
Businesses For Good Spring Social Hour
March 9, 2023

Connecting San Diego’s business community to educate and advocate for equitable, inclusive and sustainable policies. BFG host Quarterly Socials on the second Thursday of every Quarter. We’ll be venturing to different areas of San Diego County so our members can show off their neighborhoods. We’re showcasing South County at 3 Punk Ales! They will graciously donate a percentage of their sales! 

A Devex summit on water and the SDGs
WASH Works 2023
March 23, 2023
New York City & Online everywhere

On the sidelines of the U.N. Water Conference and as a continuation of the Devex WASH Works series, Devex will bring together leaders in person in New York City and online to discuss the ways in which water, sanitation, and hygiene efforts intersect with other development challenges, specifically in low- and middle-income countries.

Water is fundamental to life yet water issues also threaten the lives of billions worldwide. One in 3 people cannot access safe drinking water, 2 out of 5 people don’t have basic hand-washing facilities including soap and water, and more than 673 million people still practice open defecation. Floods and other water-related disasters account for 70% of all deaths related to natural disasters.

Access to WASH is a cross-cutting issue impacting numerous SDGs. Through insightful interviews and provocative debate, Devex reporters will dig into how water affects health, food, climate, gender, finance, and what the broader global development community needs to do to make urgent progress.

Cities Summit of the Americas
April 24 – April 26, 2023 Denver, CO
The Cities Summit will promote regional cooperation, convening subnational leaders from across the entire Western Hemisphere with diverse and inclusive representatives of government, civil society, business, academia, youth, culture and the arts, and indigenous and underrepresented groups.

Events will include plenary sessions, stakeholder roundtables, expert panels, networking sessions, commercial engagements, and public outreach activities, all to address a range of priorities local communities across the Americas share.

Institute of Violence, Abuse and Trauma (IVAT) 20th Annual Hawai`i International Summit

Preventing, Assessing & Treating Trauma Across the Lifespan
Prevention, Resilience, Connections & Wellness
April 24 – 28, 2023, Hawai`i Convention Center, Honolulu


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