Virginia Woolf – A Room of One’s Own [Vretzos]

In Virginia Woolfs’ essay called A Room of One’s Own, she lays out the necessities someone must have in order to create a good piece of writing. Woolf focuses a lot on the topic of gender inequality, which was more of a prominent thing during this time, but is yet still alive today therefore making this piece relevant. So what must a writer have in order to create a good piece of writing? According to Woolf, you need a room with a lock to keep out all the distractions and give you the freedom to write and 500 pounds ($45,000). Woolf also brings up one of the biggest issues in this time and that is the fact that women did not have the same educational resources available to them as men did. One of the most remembered topics in this essay is the made up story of Judith Shakespeare. Judith was William Shakespeares twin sister who suffered a devastating fate due to the lack of opportunity to enhance her talent of writing. This was inserted in her writing in order to further her idea of gender inequality. Bringing up Woolfs’ writing techniques, she uses a lot of elongated sentences and elevated language in order to add significance to her writing, as if she is piling up the details and imagery to get her point across. In my opinion, I enjoyed A Room of One’s Own. The way that Woolf got her points across by using fictional characters and creating a story was an interesting way that I would have never thought of in a situation like that. I also believe that the stated necessities are still relevant. For myself, in order to produce the best writing possible, I would need a room with no distractions. Today, the money needed would more than likely be over $45,000 (500 pounds).

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