Virginia Woolf Reflection-Hollerbach

In the essay A Room for One’s Own, Virginia Woolf describes the necessities of a writer in great detail. The primary needs of a writer, according to Woolf, are 500 pounds a year and a room to yourself with a lock. 500 pounds a year is nothing in modern times, but in Woolf’s time this would’ve been approximately $45,000 which would be just enough to support a modest lifestyle or as Woolf describes enough to keep the wolf from the door. Woolf was blessed with an inheritance after her aunt’s death, which freed her up to write for the rest of her life. The most vital necessity to a writer as the title of Woolf’s essay implies is a room for one’s own. This isn’t just any ordinary room. One requirement of this room is that it has to have a lock. The lock frees the writer from all distractions, fear and bitterness. This was important especially for women because their writing had minimal social acceptance at the time.  Early 19th century writer Jane Austen experienced quite the opposite in her career as a writer. She wrote secretively in the family sitting room where she was distracted quite easily. Woolf believes this quite clearly held Austen back from writing to her full potential. This essay is a dressed up version of a lecture that Woolf gave in 1928 and is meant to be read aloud. I can personally relate to her argument in that if I were to pursue writing as a career I know I would need financial assistance and when I write I can become easily distracted by my phone or other temptations  which makes a private room critical.

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