Reflection [Stephen]

The circumstances under which an essay or story was written can tell the reader how the author planned to deliver his particular outlook to his audience. In texts such as Civilisation by Kenneth Clark, The Ascent of Man by Jacob Bronowski, and A Room of One’s Own by Virginia Woolf it is clear that the authors made deliberate strategic decisions to write in the ways that they did.

Both Bronowski and Clark conveyed their thoughts through a television series filled with vivid imagery and knowledge. By presenting their ideas in the format of a documentary, they were able to facilitate the audience to better understand the points they were each trying to make. A vocal narrative and visual imagery helped to strengthen their own reasoning. Because their shows were broadcasted to a public audience, they were able to convey their perspective to a large variety of people. This was unlike Woolf, who at time of her existence, did not have the liberty to travel wherever she wanted nor did she have access to tools such as a television or a camera. Woolf had to support her points through use of both historic and fictional examples. The difference between how these three authors conveyed their respective viewpoints to their audiences clearly shows how much the circumstances of which they were able to write in helped them to structure their ideas in a certain way.

My personal experience with writing in different mediums involved me using tools such as Scalar and Microsoft Word. While using Scalar to write about differences between Bronowski’s and Clark, I found myself writing in categories. I first focused on Bronowski’s perspective and wrote about that on one page. Then I wrote a separate page for Clark, making no mention of Bronowski. This was completely unlike how I wrote in Word. When I was using Word, I relied on my thoughts to flow out naturally and translated that into writing. I did not focus on formatting, but rather on making my examples connect. My essay on Woolf  using Word was definitely more fluid than my project on Bronowski and Clark, which was much more disconnected.

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