Emily Beck- Personal Profile

My name is Emily Beck and I am from Gig Harbor, WA. I was born in Newport Beach,CA, and have lived in Alaska, Oregon, and Washington. I was a competitive gymnast for 10 years and have been coaching for two, due to an injury that did not allow me to continue. Throughout high school I did not feel that my English teachers were very strong, so I am excited to learn new things in this class. I am hoping to learn how to construct essays that extend past the typical 2-3 page high school paper, with topics that require more discussion and in-depth analysis. I also want to learn how to put together multiple aspects of a topic in a way that is organized and flows together.

My current plan is to major in English with a concentration in Pre-Law, and to further my education in Law School. I want to be either a criminal or corporate lawyer, so I hope to learn how to write and communicate effectively throughout this class.

2 thoughts on “Emily Beck- Personal Profile

  1. Emily –

    I completely relate to your desire to produce higher quality and more profound work. It’s definitely something I’ve struggled with. I’m also planning on pursuing a career in law, and I think this class will be extremely beneficial to that endeavour!

    – Alexa Ripa