Andrew Felix: First Year Writing

Hello, my name is Andrew Felix, and I am a local from San Diego. I am looking forward to this class because I want to improve my writing skills. English is not one of my strong suits, so taking this class will help prepare me for any writing assignment that challenges me. Public speaking is also something I need to polish, especially since I plan to major in Business Administration. If I have to lead a meeting or propose an idea, I must know how to convey my words and persuade people to agree with what I say. The PowerPoint Presentation can help me with speaking to a group and express my thoughts with confidence.

In this class, I expect to think critically and focus extra carefully. My goal for this class is to become a better writer and speakerĀ and turn one of my weaknesses into a strength.

One thought on “Andrew Felix: First Year Writing

  1. I share some of the same goals as you such as sharpening my writing skills and learning how to better express my ideas. Business is also a major that i am thinking about. I like the part where you said you want to turn one of your weaknesses into a strength instead of ignoring it and just focusing only on what you are good at.