Emilie Dawson

Hi, my name is Emilie, I’m from Glenview Illinois which is about 20 minutes North of Chicago. I’m a huge fan of movies and yoga and I love being outdoors. I’m super excited to be living in San Diego and living with sunny weather basically all year round (especially in the winter).  I’m hoping that by taking this course, it will help refine my writing abilities to better compose a college paper and hopefully will also help me to learn new ways of conveying ideas for each genre and subject that I will take over my years as a college student. I’m also hoping that this class is an enjoyable way to learn new topics and have new discussions about literature and writing.

One thought on “Emilie Dawson

  1. Hey Emilie! I’m also from the suburbs of Chicago! I’m from Joliet, I believe that’s not too far from Glenview. Winters in Chicago are brutal, so I definitely agree about being excited to be living in sunny weather all year round. I’m a huge fan of movies as well, my favorite genre is scary movies. I’m very excited to see what we’ll both get out of this class. I hope to get to know each other a little more this semester!