Writing Reflection [Nickel]

A project can be very different depending on the form it takes. In my personal experience, using WordPress and Scalar, as well as writing a traditional paper created very different final products. WordPress has a more casual and personal feel, and my writing is usually much more brief and reflective. Scalar feels more formal than WordPress, and my writing usually is less personal and a bit more elevated in terms of language and content. I can also incorporate other forms of media, such as photographs, which adds a visual dimension to the work that I might not be able to capture otherwise. Also, the use of multiple pages makes the organization very different from a single paragraph reflection and a paper. The traditional paper that we just wrote felt a lot more formal, especially with the use of textual evidence and quotes from a particular piece. I had to present my argument with a different sort of organization using this platform than I usually do in Scalar or WordPress.

Clark and Bronowski both chose to start their work as a television series, which I think was extremely important for the task they were taking on. Since they were both talking about something that was very demanding of the visual component, the television series worked well to give a visual and auditory representation at the same time. Their books, I think, did not work as well because the reader cannot both read the words and see the pictures at the same time.

Woolf’s original medium was a lecture. I think lectures can be a bit more scattered because we can leave a topic and come back to it when we talk. I think it is difficult to put this into an essay format because it is hard to efficiently organize the thoughts in a way that would make sense to the reader.

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