Reflection [Mostafavi]

Many different factors can impact the overall effect of a written piece. For instance, the type of medium used to present the work and the circumstances of the author both greatly contribute to the style that is presented. For instance, the inclusion of pictures and film in a written piece is a strategic use of medium as it appeals to the viewers’ senses. Kenneth Clark’s “Civilisation,” and Jacob Bronowski’s “Ascent of Man” display pictures in their books, and also present their arguments and information through a television episode medium. These visuals are significant in their works because the provide visuals which offer the reader the opportunity to examine exactly what they are talking about. For example, both Clark and Bronowski discuss the exquisite details of Gothic architecture. These little details can be hard to imagine based on description; however, pictures and film allow the viewer to fully grasp the information and provides a better sense of setting and overall understanding.

Virginia Woolf’s use of medium and circumstances while writing “A Room of One’s Own” differs greatly from Clark and Bronowski. She wrote this essay with very little resources due to the gender inequality that was present during the time. Due to her circumstance, her work was much more personal. Women were denied access to reading books and writing. Thus, she made her argument that women were inferior to men based on personal experience and even made up scenarios, such as the character Judith Shakespeare. As a result, her circumstance caused her to keep a simple text format and provide information based on a personal basis.

Woolf’s traditional medium and lack of resources and opportunities to write resulted in a more personal style, while Clark and Bronowski’s work was highly detailed with historical information and evidence which was further developed through pictures and films. As their different styles were highly influenced by their different use of medium and circumstances, it is demonstrated that these factors affect the overall style and presentation of a piece.

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