A Room of One’s Own by Virginia Woolf [Marmolejo]

In a Room of One’s Own, Virginia Woolf states that all she needed to write was a room of her own and five-hundred pounds. Woolf thought these two factors were going to allow her to have one of the most precious gifts: time. In the author’s epoch women had to settle and commit to married life, but to her luck, she was able to marry and follow her passion as an intellectual since she inherited a decent amount of money to live comfortably without working herself. The money inherited bought her the freedom to do what she loved most. In addition of having physical capital, Woolf also mentioned that she needed to have her own room, her own privacy to let her ideas flow, without being harshly influenced by the outside world.  A quiet place to write is pivotal and plays a major role in the content that is written, simply because there is more focus to achieve our goal and as a result we have an explosion of creative and innovative ways of thinking.

I agree that in order to write meaningful material, one should have a room of one’s own and some snacks. Intellectual capacity is only reached when we have an established, routinely place to be able to step aside from our issues and simply think. It is that constant reflection that a quiet room brings that is needed to thrive in writing, in the eternal quietness you get to hear your own thoughts and ultimately elaborate and how your way of thinking can inform or change someone else’s perspective. And Maybe a few snacks wouldn’t be a bad idea either since we are transforming that energy into emotions, words, writing, influence.


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