A Room of One’s Own Reflection (Kelly Wlodychak)

Authors need time in order to write. They need to be able to concentrate and not be disturbed. Distractions are the main problem with an author’s ability to write. In the book A Room of One’s Own by Virginia Woolf, Woolf says in order to be a author, you need a room of your own and five hundred pounds a year in order to be a successful author.

A room of your own, for an author, means that the writer will become less distracted because they have their own space. They are able to write in the comfort of their own room without anyone coming to bother them because it is their own space. The room is buying the author time in order to write without distractions and the freedom to think for yourself. When an author gets distracted, they loose their train of thought, and thus what they were writing about. The content will become jumbled and will seem to move off focus.

Woolf says five hundred pounds a year is enough money to live comfortably on. Back in 1920, five hundred pounds was a good amount of money. It was enough to live comfortably on and not be bothered worrying if it is enough. Woolf says the money is needed to buy time. If you have the money, you will not have to worry as much which will leave an author more time to write.

For me personally, in order to write, all you really need is inspiration, a writing utensil, and a piece of paper. If you have the right inspiration, you can write any story you want. If it is enough inspiration, nothing else will be able to distract you before you can get your story out.

One thought on “A Room of One’s Own Reflection (Kelly Wlodychak)

  1. Overall great response. I liked how you talked about what the 500 pounds and a room of one’s own mean to Woolf as an author, and I liked how you specified what requirements you have as an author. The only thing I would change is the last sentence of the first paragraph “In the book…to be a successful author” because it repeats “in order to be an author” twice, which causes it to not flow very well.