Peter Brown Style: Veganism

Veganism is arguably the best new “diet” trend that Americans have stumbled upon, (late in comparison to the rest of the world) that many believe, in hope, will become the new standard American diet, and those who have already made the switch are soaking up the benefits. The reasons to change are simple, and generally hard to argue against, due to the fact that the benefits of this diet are only positive, for health, animals, and the environment. Animal product consumers are more likely to suffer from heart diseases, cancers, diabetes, skin diseases and impurities; however, many people are uniformed on these risks since corporations such as American Cancer Society, American Diabetes Association, Susan G. Komen, are all funded and sponsored by animal product companies, such as Tyson, Dannon, Yoplait, etc. This is where we see the fact that money is involved, and work is being put in for cures and not prevention, while people suffer because they are being fed false information. Other reasons include the environment, huge amounts of land areas and water resources are used for the purpose of animal products, yet developing them leads to more air pollution. Lastly, the animals we eat are show continuously being treated so poorly, and in disgusting conditions, that it could not possibly be fair or humane to consume their products. Luckily, there are many doctors in America who will prescribe a plant based diet to their patients, and many of their patients have reversed their diseases, and came out of the treatment better than before, not just restored health.

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