Peter Brown Practice

Saint Augustine was the bishop of Hippo Regius, though some might say his position was illegitimate, as he was ‘illegally’ ordained by Valerius, who was formerly the bishop of Hippo Regius before his own resignation, which, in that time, was only truly possible by death. Of course, given Augustine’s personal history, this was more than simply a controversy stemmed in illegitimate position, because Augustine had previously lived a rather reckless lifestyle, which included a history with the Manichaean tribe as well as a love affair that led to a child. As bishop, Augustine, in response to his own recklessness as a young man, wrote theĀ Confessions, which is a long book that actually takes the form of a prayer. Furthermore, Augustine took on the task of comforting the Christians who were widely blamed for the Sack of Rome, by writing theĀ City of God. Augustine has come to be one of the most venerated philosophers, theologians, and Church fathers of all time.

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