Kristian Arreola


Hello, my name is Kris, sometimes I say with a K so people can remember it easier. I’m actually from Beaumont, California, but I say Palm Springs because its the closest big city to me that everyone knows.

What I Hope to Get Out of This Class

I plan to major in Philosophy, therefore hope this course prepares me for the types of perspectives and writing styles I will be analyzing in future classes. I look forward to exploring many ideas in this class.

One thought on “Kristian Arreola

  1. Kris, I noticed no one commented on your post, so I’ll jump in here. First of all, welcome to FYW 150! I’m looking forward to reading more about your interest in philosophy as the semester progresses. I think you’ll find it to be a major that provides excellent preparation for a wide variety of professions.
    Paul Evans