Katie Vretzos

My name is Kaitlyn Vretzos, but people tend to call me Katie. I recently turned 18 and have so far not gotten into any trouble. I was born and raised in a small town in the Bay Area called Benicia. After living there for 16 years, my dad decided to move me up with him to another small town called Folsom, or referred to as “The Bubble”. I enjoy many things in life. I am now a competitive softball player at University of San Diego, so I try to take advantage of my very little free time. I love to go to the beach, try new food or coffee places, go on hikes, and read a lot of good books. I own two dogs, one black and yellow lab, and am missing them immensely. I was raised in a pretty big family. I have three brothers and one sister. I am a pretty accurate description of the typical middle child, being at least 6 years apart from each of them. For this class, I am hoping to become overall a better writer. In my past few years, I haven’t had the best English teachers. I even an AP Language teacher that admitted to not grading our papers on the actual information given in the essay or blog, but on completion and how many words were written. I want to learn all the tools and ways you can write a good paper, or in this a good paper and also how to put together a good powerpoint. Overall, I am excited to extend my knowledge of writing in this class throughout the year.

One thought on “Katie Vretzos

  1. It is very nice to meet you and I find it funny that we are both Greek. Congratulations on becoming a member of the softball team, my roommate is currently in the process of trying to walk on the team. I have a dog as well and I miss him terribly. Your writing style is super easy to read and I enjoyed it. You’re gonna have to tell me all about the Reijer kid later, haha. I love the beach as well and being from a desert, I’m just happy to be able to go, no matter the weather. I am sad to hear that your English teachers didn’t work out so if you have any questions just let me know; this is one subject I am pretty good in. I hope we can become closer throughout the year and I hope you enjoy this English teacher.