For Daily Convention Publication in San Diego
We are seeking several graduate students in educational administration or leadership who have some deadline writing experience to serve as reporters and/or videographers at the 2020 national conference of AASA, The School Superintendents Association, Feb. 13-15, at the San Diego convention center.
Reporters will be assigned to cover speakers and panels on current topics relating to school leadership and K-12 education for our online daily news publication. Those interested in digital videography will be asked to create short video interviews with some of the award winners or conference presenters.
Interns will receive bylines or credit lines on their work. We also will offer any student who successfully completes all three days with us a small honorarium ($75) following the conference.
Ideal candidates for the writing positions are graduate students with some previous journalism experiences and interest in the field of K-12 education leadership.
Candidates interested should send a cover letter describing relevant experiences and interests (and including contact information for at least two references), a resume and two published writing samples (online or print). For priority consideration, applications are due by December 5, 2019, to:
For further information, contact Jay at 703/875-0745 or