Marren Abernathy

My name is Marren Abernathy and I am from Las Vegas, Nevada. I hope to improve my writing and vocabulary in various forms. I also would like to learn how to reach varying audiences and become more familiar and comfortable with other assignments besides the standard essay. I do not feel extremely comfortable with how to write a short article or a poem. It would also be beneficial to me to learn how to expand my points and make my essays stronger and more information packed. As well as, I am unsure of how I should cite certain sources, especially those from news articles. In high school I was taught to use in-text citations but was given an extremely brief lesson on it and had to learn on the fly what the correct format is. Footnotes, I have heard, are more popular and easier to use so I would like to learn how to utilize those as well. I am enrolled in other courses that require a lot of writing, both short assignments and essays, so to improve my writing for both this course and my other classes is a goal of mine. I know what most of my strengths and weaknesses are and I hope this class helps me uncover the rest and improve them.

One thought on “Marren Abernathy

  1. It’s impressive how you know not only your weaknesses, but your strengths in writing as well, and how you want to improve on your weaknesses. It seems that you have the drive to constantly build yourself and learn new things. Although, you didn’t write much personal stuff, I hope to find out more about you throughout this class. I do know you’re greek just as I am, so that’s one thing we have in common! I really like your writing style. You don’t drag on your sentences so it’s very informational and efficient.