Navigating Genres by Kerry Dirk

In the essay, Navigation Genres, Kerry Dirk demonstrates the importance of having a deep understanding about what you are writing about. Each genre has specific characteristics and conventions which categorize works under its own genre. For this reason, it is important to know the differences within the many different types. Knowing what a genre is used for makes it easier to distinguish how to approach and deliver what you are intending to convey. Furthermore, with a high level of understanding of the subject matter, one can build their credibility by elucidating their intelligence and communicating in a clear and direct manner. It is further noted that knowing all genres is more effective than mastering only one; knowing the different genres allow one to make distinctions as to what fulfills a specific genre. These distinctions can be utilized as a guideline for the writer and direct them onto the right path. In addition, being able to use references is useful. It is helpful to use references because we typically act based on rhetorical knowledge – we learn from the past and from being exposed to multiple perspectives. For instance, learning from similar situations allows us to be more prepared because we have a better understanding about how to think or act differently. We avoid mistakes in the past, and learn from circumstances which were successful. With these various tactics, one is able to successfully display the correct format and characteristics of a genre. It is critical that a writer knows what consists of a genre, and how to productively present it.

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