Final Reflections

Picture of the Garden of the Sea during sunset

A blog post from SOLES MA in Nonprofit Leadership and Management Ambassador Bethany Gilbert.

As I enter my last week of grad school, I am feeling all the emotions… excited, grateful, sad, anxious, happy, relieved and much more. Now that I have finished up all my coursework, I’ve had additional time to reflect on my experience here at USD – and wow, was it more than I ever imagined it would be. Beyond the struggles of trying to find a happy balance between work and school, maintaining good self-care, and sacrificing time with friends and family, the knowledge I’ve gained is well worth the trade. I have learned more about myself along the way over the past two years. Through exercises and activities that pushed me out of my comfort zone, I learned what type of leader I want to be and how I can best serve those around me.

There are many things I will miss about grad life at USD, but I think what I will miss the most are the people–the professors, staff member, and my fellow classmates. Not that I won’t keep in touch, but I will miss the frequent interactions and engaging conversations. I would not have been as successful in my time here without the support of my cohort. Experiencing grad school with them–the victories and obstacles, created a bond I will never forget. Although my time at USD was seemingly short, the impact and learning will last a lifetime and I am forever grateful for the experiences and relationships made.

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