Canvas Schedule Sync in Simple Syllabus

Component type: Schedule

This component type has been added to the Simple Syllabus Template, but can be deleted/hidden if the instructor whish to use a different course outline component.

*IMPORTANT-Changes to the schedule should be made in the LMS to prevent the connection between the LMS and Simple from breaking. If a user with an integrated Schedule Component makes a change to a cell in the Simple editor, that cell will not reflect any additional changes made in the LMS until the entire Schedule Component is reset. Similarly, any changes to the order of the rows on the schedule component should be made in your LMS. If a user drags a row out of order in the Simple editor, the connection will break and the sorting done in the LMS will no longer applyin Simple.

The Schedule component is a grid-based, drag-and-drop component that allows end-users to quickly and easily input class activities and their associated information onto the syllabus. 

If the integration is available, Instructors also have the option to sync the component with the LMS in order to dynamically pull in class activities and related information

In this section, we will highlight settings that are important to the Schedule component. To find information about all settings, please visit About Component Settings.

Schedule table columns:

By default the Schedule component has four columns: DateNameEvent Type, and Points. Administrators and other template editors can edit the column names, add additional columns, and remove columns. Additionally, default schedule items can be added to the component at the template level.

To edit existing columns:

To edit an existing column from a Schedule component, click on the column header you wish to edit. 

Once Edit is clicked, in the dialog that pops up, you can edit the following fields:

  • Name: This is the name of the column, which displays at the top of the table to identify the column  
  • Field type: The type of data input that this column accepts
    • Plain text: Unformatted text
    • Rich text: Allows for the entry of formatted text, ordered and unordered lists, blocks, images, videos, and tables (not suggested)
    • Date: Presents users with a date-picker, allowing them to select a specific day, month, and year
    • Picklist: Presents users with a set number of options in a dropdown list. Each option in the list should be input on a new line
  • Auto populate: Determines which field the integrated LMS is synced with for that column.
  • Column width: On the right of this text field, how much available space there is in the table will display (ex: 20%).
  • Required: If a column is required, users will not be able to save the schedule item without data being input into this column.
  • Sort Rows by this field: This setting is only applicable when there is information being auto-populated into the field, and most of the time this is used in the Schedule component.

Click Save to save any changes made to the Field.

To delete existing columns:

To delete a column from the component entirely, click on the column header you wish to delete, then click the Delete button at the bottom of the dialog, and then confirm the deletion. 

To add new columns:

To add a new column to a schedule component, click the Plus icon icon the right side of the component.

In the Create new field dialog box that pops up on the screen, you will need to input the Column name and the Field type. Once selected, you can optionally configure the Auto populate and other required settings. Please see the Editing and deleting existing columns section above for a detailed explanation of each of these fields.

To add default schedule items:

While the majority of items in the schedule component are likely to be input by instructors on each individual syllabus or synced from the LMS, administrators may want to add schedule items such as holidays or other events that apply to all students enrolled in the academic term. 

Header and Footer text:

In an Objective Component, header or footer text can be added that will precede or follow the schedule items on the published syllabus by entering content into the Enter header text and Enter footer text fields. After entering the header or footer text, you can double-click to highlight and further format the text using the formatting toolbar that appears. 

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