Humans like to create without thinking of the implications of their actions. The novel Frankenstein is a great example of a scientists quest for innovation then realizing far too late that it was not down the path that would serve a greater purpose for humanity. Victor creates a being out of dead human parts in a mad craze that does not end until he has completed it. During the process he describes it as being “filthy” but yet he continues on with an insatiable pursuit of new knowledge. Once someone is on the brink of discovery they do not stop until they have uncovered everything, they do not think of how the future may be impacted by this but only become obsessed with the idea of completing what they have found. In Victor’s case he creates this being that has life, he is self aware and has superhuman capabilities. Immediately when the creature’s eyes open Victor realizes what he has done and runs away leaving his creation alone in its early life stage to raise himself. Victor created life but did not go further in filling the role as not only the creator but parent to the being he constructed. When creating new life one would think of continually watching over it to document its experiences or at least raise it but Victor runs away in fear of the realization of what he has done. The thirst for knowledge is too overpowering in the process that Victor was blind to what he was actually doing until he finished.