Technology Final [Fahmy]

Technology has been becoming more and more integrated into our lives with every passing year. Most of our society has become depended on it for every aspect of our daily life and work and school. We have become constantly connected to every other facet of our life whether it be at home or work. We are able to work from home much more easily and the line between work and home life are fading.

It feels like not that long ago we had one home computer and getting a flip phone was monumental as a kid. The introduction of using technology every day seems like a tremendous change in a very short amount of time. There was one girl in my elementary school class that had a phone. Now there are no fifth graders who don’t. It has become necessary to have a computer with you in every class to take notes or write assignments on. This introduction of technology into classrooms had allowed for school work to never be left behind in school. Because it is always an option to work on it at home. It has increased how strict our deadlines are because they can be turned in after school. This can make it feel like we never have time to ourselves where we don’t have to focus on school.

Another aspect of having such a strong presence of technology in schools is that when taking notes on a computer rather than handwritten, it has been proven to be less effective. The act of writing new knowledge down is what helps to learn it and remember it more clearly. So when a teacher is expecting their students to be typing their notes rather than writing, they tend to go more quickly through the information.

But on the other hand, I’ve had multiple times in my school career when I’ve been thankful for having this technology. It allows for much quicker research on projects and allows students to collaborate easier with each other. A time for me when I was able to work better with my peers with technology was in my history classes in high school. My friend and I would take notes on a shared document so that we would be sure to get all the information from our teacher’s slide presentation. This collaboration allowed for us to take more comprehensive notes and let us answer any questions that may have come up between us.

So while there are many detriments to having technology in our school systems, there is an overall aid to them. Even with this having a focus on the negative I am glad to live in a time when there is such easy access. There are times when I get frustrated with the expectation of having technology, I am glad that I have the ability to access all the information that is out there.

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