The School Counselor Emerging Leaders (SCEL) Program application is ready! Are you?
Are you the person that others look to when making decisions? Are you the person with the awesome ideas? Do you promote the school counseling profession? Are you the person who people gravitate to? Are you a leader of your peers or a potential leader of your peers? Do you advocate for school counselors? Are you a school counselor? Are you a graduate student in a PPS School Counseling program? If you said yes to any of these questions, CASC is looking for you!
The goal of the CASC School Counseling Emerging Leader Program is to identify potential leaders within the school counseling profession in California and provide them with CASC leadership opportunities. You must be either be:
- Enrolled in a CA approved PPS School Counseling Credential program; or
- School counselors who at time of application have been practicing in the field of school counseling for less than three years at any public /private Pre-K-12 school, adult school, or community college in California.