Frankenstein Feedback [Stallings]

The big idea of the essay is that the monster could have been saved from his actions if Victor had nurtured him instead of abandoning him. The arguments towards this main idea are all strong and well thought out. However, throughout the essay there is a lot of summary, and the points are not highlighted as well as they could be. The beginning of the essay starts out summarizing the plot and it’s a little unnecessary, maybe introduce more general ideas of the novel as a whole instead of the plot summary. Good thesis, explains the big idea of the essay easily. The essay itself starts out strong with the idea about the parental relationship between Victor and his father and the monster and victor. The remaining points about how the creature was not evil all along and only made evil by other’s actions is strong as well. However in this paragraph you have a lot of summary, try to make it more about your argument, choose a quote that shows this feeling coming from Frankenstein about he was generous and turned bad. The final two essays are both pretty strong in terms of ideas, however there is still a lot of plot summary in the second to last one. The ending wraps up all of your ideas well and looks good, the only changes I could recommend is if you want to make it longer but it looks great. Overall the essay is a little hard to follow which points your making because of the summary but you have a great idea of the arguments you want to make and I definitely thing you can back them up. You can pick stronger quotes and analyze them to add more to your argument about Victor and his monsters opinion.

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