Hi, I am Isabel Busyn and my story began in Minneapolis where I grew up with a loving family that stretches all across the state of Minnesota. Every year I have endured 8 month long winters where snow layers the frozen streets due to the temperatures diving well below -20℉. The winter’s may have been cold, but I always knew that I could count on Minnesota to bring me a white Christmas.
The family and friends that were always by my side made the freezing temperatures more bearable. This past year I was lucky enough to be blessed with a new member of my family. He is a Persian cat named Stevie and he quickly became my best friend and love of my life. My friends and family have been a huge part of my being, but there are other aspects of my journey that made me who I am.
Growing up I hopped from sport to sport to find a past-time that could really tackle the energy and fire that I brought into my everyday life. I soon found that diving and gymnastics were the two sports that could bring me the discipline I needed to succeed in the future. Both activities pushed me to love the idea of continuing to prosper even when the talent increased and the bellyflops grew more painful. Failure was no longer a setback, but a reason to improve in what I love. No matter how much I loved growing up in Minnesota, there was always something missing. When I walked onto campus, I knew that everything I was missing back in Minnesota was right here in San Diego.