
As part of USD’s ongoing efforts to prioritize the health and well-being of the campus community, students now have free and immediate access to medical and mental health support through TimelyCare.

TimelyCare offers students a 24/7 extension of campus health and counseling center resources that is as easy and convenient as making a video or phone call. Through the TimelyCare app on their phone or another device, students can now select from a wide-ranging menu of virtual care options from licensed physicians and counselors in all 50 states – at no cost to them and without the hassle of traditional insurance – including:

  • On-demand medical care
  • Appointment-based medical care
  • On-demand mental health support (TalkNow)
  • Appointment-based mental health counseling

Additionally, faculty and staff have access to support that empowers them to help students achieve a sense of well-being, live healthier lifestyles and improve their mental health.

TimelyCare allows students to see the profiles, faces, and specialty care details of a diverse range of licensed physicians and counselors available to them. They can choose to meet with a specific provider or select the first available. Typical consultations begin within 5-10 minutes – less than the amount of time it takes to walk across campus.

TimelyCare’s ease of use, convenience, and immediacy provides a reliable alternative for USD students if their schedule does not allow for an on-campus appointment at the USD Health Center or Counseling Center.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How can students access TimelyCare?

A: Students can go to timelycare.com/USD to register with their preferred name and school email address. Students can then have visits from any web-enabled device – smartphone, laptop, or desktop. TimelyCare is available from anywhere in the United States.

Q: Who can use TimelyCare?

A: Any University of San Diego student.

Q: What services are available?

A: There are five services available:

  • Medical: 24/7, on-demand access to a medical provider that can treat a wide range of common illnesses like cold and flu, sinus infection, allergies and more
  • Scheduled Medical: scheduled options to speak to a medical provider
  • TalkNow: 24/7, on-demand access to a mental health professional to talk about anything at anytime
  • Scheduled Counseling: scheduled options to speak to a licensed counselor (limit to 12 visits per year)
  • Group Sessions: Weekly Guided Meditation and Yoga Group Sessions, plus specialized discussions throughout the year.

Q: How much does a visit cost?

A: Zip, zero, zilch! TimelyCare services are free to all University of San Diego students.

Q: I already have insurance and a primary provider, how does TimelyCare benefit me?

A: With TimelyCare, you will have free,24/7 access to doctors and counselors from anywhere in the United States, so you’ll never have to spend time or money looking for resources when you’re away from home or campus.

Q: What can I be treated for?

A: Our physicians and counselors can treat/discuss a wide range of common conditions, and after talking to you, will decide on the best course of treatment. Some common presenting issues are: cold, sinus infection, influenza (flu), stress and anxiety, relationships, and depression.

Q: Can I get a prescription?

A: Yes, if the provider deems it clinically appropriate.

Q: How do I log-in?

A: Go to timelycare.com/USD and follow the prompts. Mobile users will be directed to download the TimelyCare app.

Visit TimelyCare.com/USD for more information.