Gibbon Sentence [Le]

The first two weeks of college have been overwhelming. From learning to to adjust to life away from home to getting back into school it’s been a hard yet exciting process. There has been a lot of homework and a lot of walking. It’s a new experience to have classes at different times of the day in comparison to high school where everything was set for you. Also, it has been nice to have a change of scenery away from home and meet new people. San Diego is a beautiful city and I’m really glad this is where I get to go to school. I’m excited to explore more of San Diego and all it has to offer. Furthermore, there has also been a lot of free food and activities on campus so far which is a bonus. Although it’s only been two weeks it feels like a month has already passed. Adjusting to this “college life” has been slightly stressful but overall I’m excited to see what else there is to University of San Diego and what it has to offer.

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