Prospectus [Alvarado]

The topic of my research paper is the discontents of automated driving systems. This new wave of technology is quite bothersome when one examines the subject. The best, most efficient way to use self driving cars in society is if the only cars on the road are driverless. This is worrisome especially for someone such as myself who enjoys driving cars. Though the argument for making automated vehicles is for the safety of the occupants, this technology has potential to be hacked, overridden, or even defective in defensive driving with human drivers on the road. One argument for why driverless cars have a negative impact on society is that they remove the human responsibility to focus and drive on the road, and that they do not have proper moral judgment to make instantaneous decisions in a situation of potential crisis. Another issue is the economic impact of driverless vehicles, such as a loss in profit in the fast food/drive thru industry. 


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