Frankenstein Feedback [Lundstrom]

Your paper begins with a brief summary and analysis of Victor’s intentions while attempting to bring the creature to life. Including that the creature did, indeed, come from death is an important point that I am glad to see you caught onto. This makes the creature seem more unnatural which adds an element of repulsion that is important to establishing your point that the creature never should have been made. I also like that you referenced Victor’s family and mentors, who he isolated himself from throughout the process. This is also an important point that makes the reader think that he may have known all along that making the creature was a poor decision. Mentioning Victor’s fascination with science and how it began is significant enough to note in your paper, however I think you should move this to the beginning of your paper, as making your points somewhat chronological will make your paper more cohesive and easy to read. In addition, I feel that some summary is important, however your paper should be more argumentative than anything. Remember, you are trying to establish the point that Victor’s main error was creating the monster in the first place; your audience already has a sense of what is happening in the novel so you don’t need to go too much into detail with the plot. Still, you should reference multiple sections from the book as I feel as though a lot of your information came from the beginning of the novel, while there are many more points you could go into more depth about that occur later in the novel. For example, you might consider including more of the creature’s interaction with Victor at the glacier or with Walton at the North Pole, rather than briefly touching on these incidents. Finally, your concluding paragraph does a wonderful job of summarizing all of your points clearly. I really liked that you step outside of the novel to relate it to the bigger picture of technology’s discontents.

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