This assignment was submitted by Professor Kristyn Calabrese from the Accountancy Department. Professor Calabrese uses this assignment in her ACCT 401 course, Advanced Accounting.
In this assignment, students work on two different written components: (1) a concise email, and (2) a Quarterly Revenue Analysis. As students complete these two components, they practice summarizing and analyzing data, as well as incorporating and citing relevant news articles.
This assignment uses scenario-based learning with discipline-based skills and thinking, encouraging students to make connections between their classroom learning and the real world. Another notable feature of this assignment is the way that it requires students to engage in different kinds of thinking and writing. Finally, the assignment provides a wonderful example of how to anticipate how students will interpret the assignment and ask for assistance. Professor Calabrese provides some guidelines on the instructor and student role in the process of writing this paper, clearly inspired by the mindset she wants students to adopt and lessons learned from previous semesters.