California Public Utilities Commission Announces First Market Transformation Administrator


By Shiloh Wallack

On January 31, 2023, the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) announced its first-ever Market Transformation Administrator (CalMTA). This new position is part of the CPUC’s ongoing efforts to advance clean energy, promote energy efficiency, and support innovation in the state’s energy sector. In addition, CalMTA was given the responsibility and oversight of California’s overall energy sector, which will impact the state’s future. For more information on California’s energy sector, visit the California Energy Commission’s website.

CalMTA’s responsibilities include developing and implementing programs to transform California’s energy market toward a more sustainable, low-carbon future. Additionally, the CalMTA position will work closely with other sustainable, low-carbon projects, including California Governor Gavin Newsom’s Executive Order N-79-20. CalMTA plans to increase the adoption of clean energy technologies such as solar, wind, and energy storage and promote energy efficiency through programs that help consumers reduce their energy consumption. Furthermore, the CalMTA will be the primary overseer of any developments or implementations of “new energy efficiency initiatives” as outlined in D.19-12-021 and approved by the CPUC in November 2022.

Some additional priorities of the CalMTA are to accelerate the deployment of clean energy technologies throughout California, including working with utilities, businesses, and communities to promote the adoption of the aforementioned renewable energy sources. In addition, any outdated regulations or permitting processes will be identified and removed by CalMTA to help hurdle barriers to developing clean energy technologies. An overall goal of the CalMTA is to help make it easier for Californians to reduce their carbon footprint.

The CalMTA will work closely with the California Air Resource Board (CARB), the California Energy Commission (CEC), and the United States Department of Energy (DOE) to further develop and implement policies and programs that support clean energy and energy efficiency. CPUC Commissioner Genevieve Shiroma, the assigned commissioner for the energy efficiency rulemaking, said that an Advisory Board would be established to “keep an eye on assuring all communities have an opportunity to benefit, especially disadvantaged communities.” Check out CARB’s California Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventory Program for more information on California carbon emissions.


One thought on “California Public Utilities Commission Announces First Market Transformation Administrator

  1. Wow, it’s great to see the California Public Utilities Commission taking steps towards a more sustainable future by announcing the first Market Transformation Administrator. This is an important move to help California transition to a cleaner energy future and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. It’s always encouraging to see government bodies taking action on environmental issues, and I hope that other states and countries will follow California’s lead. Thanks for sharing this informative article!

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