Opportunity to get published (and a free book)! Write a book review!

Dear students,

Happy holidays! I would like to invite anyone interested (Masters and Doctoral students) to submit a book review for publication in the Journal of Nonprofit and Public Affairs.

Information about our journal can be found here: https://www.jpna.org/index.php/jpna

I serve as the book review editor for JPNA and happy to give you further instructions on the book review process. A book review is 1,000 words in length and can be on a book that broadly covers a practice or research topic in the nonprofit and public affairs fields.
I have the following book titles in need of a review. Please reply to me (mlam@sandiego.edu) if you are interested in writing a review of any of the titles below.  You will receive a free review copy of the book to keep.

(1) Lo, P., Cho. A., & Chiu, D.K.W., World’s Leading National, Public, Monastery and Royal Library Directors. Leadership, Management, Future of Libraries.
(2) Jones, V.M. Nonprofit Hero: Five Easy Steps to Successful Board Fundraising.
(3) Levi-Faur, D. et al Democratic Empowerment in the European Union.
(4) Greene, P.G. & Brush, C.G., A Research Agenda for Women and Entrepreneurship: Identity Through Aspirations, Behaviors, and Confidence
(5) Eikenberry A., Mirabella R., Sandberg B. (eds.) (2019) Reframing nonprofit organizations: democracy, inclusion, and social change. Irvine: Melvin & Leigh

I am also open to suggestions you may have of newly published books not included in this list in the nonprofit, public affairs, or leadership fields.

Thank you for your consideration.


Marcus Lam
Assistant Professor
SOLES Department of Leadership Studies


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