Student Code of Conduct

Download School of Business Code of Conduct

Sign the Code of Conduct Acknowledgment Form

Professional conduct and integrity are fundamental to your success as future leader and to the success of the University of San Diego’s (USD) graduate business programs. Individual actions, both inside and outside of the classroom, contribute directly to the quality of our academic programs and reach far beyond the campus, affecting USD’s reputation within the global business community.

The intent of the Code of Professional Conduct is to identify and promote the etiquette expected of you by your peers, your faculty and your program whenever you are participating in any USD sponsored activity on campus, in the business community, and abroad. All students are expected to adhere to the guidelines outlined below and to seek clarification in circumstances that are not directly addressed.

Professional conduct includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  • Academic IntegrityUSD’s Honor Code outlines the expectation that all students and faculty demonstrate personal and academic integrity. See for more information.
  • AppearanceDress for success! You are encouraged to dress in formal business attire for presentations and job fairs and to dress in business casual attire for class and networking events unless otherwise indicated. For an expanded description of attire click here.
  • Appointments, Interviews, and Events: When you sign up for an appointment, interview, or event, you give your commitment to attend. Cancellations should only occur under extenuating circumstances and should include notification to the organizer or appropriate person.
  • Attendance: Plan to attend each class session. If you must miss a session for any reason, make every effort to notify the instructor and classmates – especially team members – in advance. While abroad, attendance at all classes, company visits, and cultural activities is mandatory.
  • Career Services: By engaging with Graduate Business Career Services and its resources, you give permission to career services to provide your resume and other job search documents to prospective employers, and agree to adhere to the guidelines outlined below.
    • All information provided on resumes, cover letters, and other application materials must be accurate, truthful, and presented in a manner consistent with the professional standards articulated by Career Services.
    • Only submit applications for positions in which you have a genuine interest and are qualified as a candidate. Follow all guidelines and adhere to all deadlines provided by employers and Career Services.
    • Report all offers of employment, for both internship and full-time positions, to Career Services and report additional details regarding accepted offers. Staff may share the name of your employer and job title with external parties, but your name and all other identifying information will remain confidential.
    • Acceptance of an offer is a binding agreement. Once you have accepted an offer of employment, you must withdraw your application from other pending opportunities and not present yourself as being available for employment.
    • Additional information here.
  • Communication: Exercise professional oral and written communication, including email and text messages, by maintaining an appropriate tone, using proper grammar and punctuation, and appropriately addressing your audience. Please reserve the use of text messaging to faculty and staff for emergencies only.
  • Evaluations: Complete course evaluations, demographic surveys, and career placement surveys in a timely manner.
  • Facilities: Help maintain the cleanliness and the functionality of campus buildings, classrooms and other facilities.
  • Interactions with Others: Be respectful of cultural differences and others’ views and demonstrate a willingness to engage in discussion with people who do not share your same opinions and beliefs. View more here.
  • Minimize Distractions: Minimize potential distractions caused by the use of cell phones or laptops, especially during company visits and events with guest speakers.
  • Preparation: Arrive to class and other events on time, fully prepared and ready to participate.
  • Team Assignments: Effective teamwork is an essential component of the program curriculum as well as of the management of any organization. When working with others, demonstrate a commitment to contributing in relatively equal proportion to a team, to completing individual tasks on time and in a professional manner, and to supporting other team members in meeting the team’s overall deadlines and objectives.

*Violations of this agreement may result in partial or complete loss of access to resources and services available through the School of Business.

In addition to the expectations expressed in the Code above, the University of San Diego Honor Code outlines the expectation that all students and faculty demonstrate personal and academic integrity.

See for more information.

I have read the above code and out of respect for my peers, I will follow these guidelines and actively encourage my peers to adhere to the USD Honor Code and School of Business Code of Professional Conduct.