State Bar’s Regulation and Discipline Committee Works to Amend State Bar Rule 2201

By Ian Ross On September 23, 2021, the State Bar’s Regulation and Discipline (RAD) Committee unanimously approved the circulation for public comment of an amendment to State Bar Rule of Procedure 2201. The RAD Committee requests public comment on the Continue reading

Blue Ribbon Commission on the Future of the Bar Exam Commences Meetings

By James Lanham On September 1, 2021, the Blue Ribbon Commission on the Future of the Bar Exam held its second meeting.[Part 1, Part 2]  In 2020, the California Supreme Court and the Board of Trustees established the Blue Ribbon Continue reading

State Bar of California Releases Paraprofessional Program Working Report for Public Comment

By Andrea Lavelle On September 23, 2021, the State Bar Board voted after two hours of public comment, to release the California Paraprofessional Program Working Group’s (CPPWG) report and recommendations with a 110 day comment period. In 2019, the State Continue reading

California State Auditor Finds State Bar Did Not Effectively Manage Its System for Investigating and Disciplining Attorneys Who Abuse the Public Trust

By Ian Ross On April 29, 2021, Elaine Howle, the California State Auditor presented her audit of the State Bar of California’s discipline and bar examination administration systems. The State Auditor conducted this audit pursuant to section 6145(b) of the Continue reading

State Bar’s Annual Fee Bill Would Pave the Way for Improving Attorney Misconduct Standards

By Andrea Lavelle   SB 211 (Umberg), as amended September 2, 2021, is the State Bar’s annual “fee bill.” This bill would amend sections 6140 and 6141 of the Business and Professions Code to authorize the Bar to assess 2022 Continue reading

State Bar of California Releases Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Plan: 2021-2022 Biennial Report to the Legislature

By Juan M. Villalvazo On March 15, 2021, the State Bar of California published its biennial report to the state legislature on its Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Plan pursuant to Business and Professions Code section 6001.3(c). This is the Continue reading

State Bar Challenges Tom Girardi Protective Conservatorship, Files Disciplinary Charges

By Kirstin Jensvold-Rumage On March 12, 2021, the State Bar of California filed a verified objection to a petition for temporary conservatorship of attorney Thomas Girardi’s person and estate in Conservatorship of Thomas V. Girardi, Case No. 21STPB00413, in Probate Continue reading

State Bar of California Releases Proposed New Rules Governing Law School Accreditation for Public Comment

By Juan M. Villalvazo At its November 19, 2020 meeting (Item 701), the State Bar of California’s Board of Trustees voted to release a series of proposed rules to replace the existing Rules for Accredited Law Schools (Rules of the Continue reading

California Supreme Court Approves Expansion of Provisional Licensure Program

By Juan M. Villalvazo On January 28, 2021, the Supreme Court of California issued an order approving the State Bar of California’s proposed amendments to Rules 9.49 and 9.49.1 of the California Rules of Court to expand the Provisional Licensure Continue reading

California Supreme Court Approves State Bar Provisional Licensure Program for 2020 Law Graduates, Adopts Rule 9.49 of the California Rules of Court

By Juan M. Villalvazo On July 16, 2020, the California Supreme Court sent a letter to the State Bar of California, directing it to “implement, as soon as possible, a temporary supervised provisional licensure program—a limited license to practice specified Continue reading