Dental Board of California Closely Watches Failed Bill to Regulate Mail-Order Teeth Alignment Companies

By Jonathan Greenbergs On August 8, 2020, AB 1998 (Low) failed to pass the Assembly Committee on Business, Professions, & Economic Development. As amended June 3, 2020, this bill would have amended sections 1680, 1683.1, and 1683.2 of, and added Continue reading

Dental Board of California Proposes Regulations to Implement AB 2138 (Chiu) to Establish Substantial Relationship Criteria for Criminal Convictions and Evaluating Rehabilitation of Applicants and Licensees

By Katie Abajian On February 18, 2020, the Dental Board of California (DBC) published notice of its intent to amend sections 1019 and 1020, Title 16, of the CCR, to specify criteria regarding criminal convictions and rehabilitation of licensees convicted Continue reading

Assemblymember Evan Low Introduces Legislation to Require Dentists to Conduct In-Person Examinations Before Approving Teleorthodontics Treatment

By Katie Abajian AB 1998 (Low), as introduced January 27, 2020, would amend section 1680 of the Business and Professions Code to make it unprofessional conduct for a dentist to diagnose and correct malpositions of human teeth or use orthodontic Continue reading