Graham-The Communist Manifesto

The Proletariat are a class of people that are just getting by through making minimum wage. Their work consists of manual labor, working for someone else, industrial workers, and domestic employment. Marx describes them as the modern working class that only live when they can find work, but that is a difficult thing for them to do since they are very vulnerable to the fluctuation of the market. There are people who “find work only as long as their labor increases capital.” (The Communist Manifesto, 18). They are not as highly regarded as a social class as the bourgeoisie are because they are seen as soldiers or even going as far as being seen as slaves. They have lost their charm meaning that they are merely an extension of a machine. In the previous writing assignment, I spoke to the idea of people working a machine rather than working with the machine and how technology was slowly replacing the jobs of human workers. This is reinforced in the communist manifesto because age and gender are not as important because the labor is not as intense since the machines do not require as much skilled to operate as they did before. Since the modern development of the industry the proletariats have increased in number and become stronger and more concentrated. However, since there are more workers than there are jobs it creates competition between workers which ruins the organization of the class, however the proletariat class rises stronger each time after realizing that they are not their own enemies, they are all in the same boat wanting the same thing. They are all a part of an oppressed class being oppressed by the bourgeoise. Marx believed that the proletarians would eventually overthrow the bourgeoise. The proletariats are exploited by the bourgeoisie. This means that the proletarians are creating goods and services that become the property of the bourgeoisie because the bourgeoisie are those that own the means of production. This means that they are the ones that sell it at the market and earn the money when none of their labor was contributed to making the good or service. The proletarians are wanting more opportunities for jobs in order to make money because they live in a fairly constant state of poverty due to making minimum wage and the fact that there are not as many jobs available as there are people in the workforce. This is part of the reason why they want to overthrow the bourgeoisie, because they are tired of the bourgeoisie taking advantage of the hard work they are doing and not having any consolation or fair compensation to begin with. The proletarians do not own any land nor do they own any means of production, they survive by selling their labor. However, the proletarians are in a position to form a union and take the power away from the bourgeoisie because they are the ones creating the goods and services. They have the intention of dissolving class distinctions. There is a political party however that stands out within the proletarians and Marx refers to this group of people as the lumpen proletarians. Referred to as the “dangerous class” (The Communist Manifesto, 20) they are the lowest of the proletarians. Since they were the lowest of the proletarians, Marx believed that they could be bribed to fight the true proletariat efforts to end the bourgeoisie. This idea is counterproductive because if the lumpenproletariat’s realized that ending the bourgeoisie men that they would have a more fair chance at earning a fair wage and possibly bettering their life, then they would not have possibly taken bribes to fight the proletarian efforts to dissolve class distinctions. In fact, some people would say that the Lupin proletarians are just trying to make a living since there is very little opportunity for this working class, but I think differently. I think that if they really were part of the proletarian class and wanted to contribute to the same cause, then they would understand that they’re only making it harder on themselves too do well in life. Something that additionally sets apart the proletarians from other classes is that everything that proletarians do is in the interest of the majority. Marks says that the proletarians are a revolutionary class for the specific reason because while other classes want to overthrow the bourgeoisie so they can get ahead the proletarians believe that the bourgeoisie should be overthrown so that social classes are dissolved which would benefit everybody in the end. In conclusion, are a hard working class that are being oppressed by the bourgeoisie. They are interested in ending social classes to attempt to provide fair opportunities across all social classes. However, there are different groups of people that are trying to counteract the efforts of the proletarians. It is a difficult struggle, but it is one that Marx believed they would eventually succeed in.

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