By Marcus Friedman
On February 6, 2020, California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) Commissioner Clifford Rechtschaffen issued a scoping memo setting the scope of proceedings and setting a schedule regarding San Diego Gas & Electric’s (SDG&E) October 28, 2019 application requesting permission to extend and modify its Power Your Drive (PYD) Pilot. The CPUC originally approved the PYD Pilot in January 2016 (D.16-01-045) to allow SDG&E to install Electric Vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure at multi-unit dwellings and workplaces in order to make EVs more accessible to populations who do not have the resources to install their own charging stations. In its application, SDG&E states that it designed and constructed infrastructure to support the over 3,000 charging ports deployed as part of the PYD Pilot, but that they have experienced significant demand, with hundreds of potential site hosts listed on a PYD Pilot interest list. At this point, SDG&E reports that it is unable to fulfill the existing demand for charging infrastructure after the initial PYD Pilot installations were completed, and is, therefore, applying for an extension of the program.
SDG&E requests that the PYD Extension Program retain most features the CPUC already approved 2016, and deploy approximately 2,000 Level 2 charging ports over two years. SDG&E intends to simplify program implementation, further attract customers, and continue to leverage and promote the private market. SDG&E requests a timely approval as a substantial time gap between the close of the PYD Pilot and the PYD Extension Program could result in interested site hosts dropping off and reducing the benefit of the outreach, marketing, and technical development conducted by SDG&E.
An evidentiary hearing is set for June 25–July 2, 2020, in San Francisco. Technical and Community Workshops are anticipated but have not yet been scheduled.