Coronado 207
Office Hours:
– MWF 11:15 – 12:15 AM
– MW 1:30 – 2:30 PM
Via Zoom
Phone: (858) 603-3873
FAX: (619)
Description |
Description |
An analysis of the economic principles that underlie the allocation, pricing, and use of
natural resources. Topics include the intertemporal allocation of depletable resources,
the economics of fisheries and forestry, issues in the distribution and use of water resources, the economics of recycling and waste disposal, and economic perspectives on global warming and ozone depletion. Prerequisite: Economics 101.
Learning Outcomes |
Upon successful completion of this course, students should be
able to:
- show how economic principles can be applied to the analysis
of environmental problems.
- understand the theory developed to determine the optimal use of renewable and nonrenewable resources.
- apply various methodologies for environmental economic analysis.
- analyze in economic terms the policies designed to deal with environmental problems and natural resource use..
Grading |
Grades in this class will be based on the
- Exams (70%)
There will be two tests during the semester (each worth 20% of your grade) and a final exam worth 30%. Each
test will consist of multiple choice, short answer, problem, and graphing questions. If you miss a test during the semester and have a written excuse,
you have two options: (1) You can take a makeup test
during the class period immediately following the scheduled test, or (2) the weight of the other exams will be increased appropriately, with the difficulty of each exam factored in. The final must be taken at the date and time scheduled, so please be sure there are no conflicts.
- Research Paper (20%)
The research paper allows you to develop in-depth knowledge of a particular aspect of environmental economics. The paper can be an individual or a
team effort. The approximate length of the
paper should be 8 – 10 pages for individual
efforts, more for group projects. A bibliography or
reference section should be included.
- Homework (10%)
There will be some short assignments that will allow you to apply some of the methods of environmental analysis discussed in class.
- Extra Credit
There will be ample opportunities to earn extra credit in this class.
Academic Integrity |
Ethical behavior is expected at all times. From the Undergraduate Bulletin: “Academic
dishonesty is an affront to the integrity of scholarship at USD an a threat to the quality of learning. . . Violations of academic integrity include: a) unauthorized assistance on an examination; b) falsification or invention of data; c) unauthorized collaboration on an academic exercise; d) plagiarism; e) misappropriation of research materials; f) any
unauthorized access to an instructor’s files or computer account; or g) any other serious violation of academic integrity as established by the instructor. An act of dishonesty can lead to penalties in a course such as reduction of grade; withdrawal from the course; a requirement that all or part of a course be retaken; and a
requirement that additional work be undertaken in connection with the course.”
General Student Conduct |
The University of San Diego School of Business expects its students to conduct themselves in a professional manner at all times. Its students are generally men and women who are preparing for career employment. An integral part of their career and professional development is the expectation that they will conduct themselves
during the educational processes in the same manner as will be expected in an employment situation. The University of San Diego Student Code of Rights and
Responsibilities is published online at
Disability Policy |
It is University of San Diego policy not to discriminate against qualified students with a documented disability in its educational programs, activities or services. If you have a disability-related need for accommodations in this class, contact the Student Affairs office for assistance.
Text |
Jonathan M. Harris and Brian Roach, Environmental and Natural Resource Economics, 4th Edition, Routledge, 2018. |
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