Websites, Articles, and Books:
- Academics for Black Survival and Wellness
- USD Center for Restorative Justice: Recommended Resources
- The Little Book on Race and Restorative Justice (Dr. Fania E. Davis)
- Dr. Viktor Frankl – Pursuit of Happiness and finding the “meaning of life.” Coined the term purpose.
- 7th Generation Prophecy Principle – “In our every deliberation, we must consider the impact of our decisions on the next seven generations.”
- Sacred Purpose (Dr. Jerry Tello)
- Dr. Beverly Tatum
- Hope Required When Growing Roses in Concrete (Dr. Jeff Duncan-Andrade)
- We Want to do more than Survive – Abolitionist Teaching and the Pursuit of Educational Freedom (Dr. Bettina Love)
- How Emotions are Made (Dr. Lisa Feldman Barrett)
- Learning about Loss (Dr. Renato Rosaldo)
- Case Against Meritocracy (Dr. Michael Sandel)
- The Social Role of Intellectuals (Dr. Antonio Gramsci)
- SEL Curriculum is White Supremacy with a Hug (Dr. Dena Simmons )
- Dr. Alberto Ochoa
- Dr. Lourdes Arguellas
- National Compadres Network